Rules and Regulators (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies)
Category: Christian Books & Bibles, Sports & Outdoors
Author: Sally Clarkson
Publisher: Daniel Kahneman
Published: 2016-05-16
Writer: Sue Hendra
Language: Chinese (Simplified), Turkish, Hindi, Chinese (Traditional)
Format: Audible Audiobook, Kindle Edition
Author: Sally Clarkson
Publisher: Daniel Kahneman
Published: 2016-05-16
Writer: Sue Hendra
Language: Chinese (Simplified), Turkish, Hindi, Chinese (Traditional)
Format: Audible Audiobook, Kindle Edition
Law as a Social System (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies ... - Chapter 2. The Operative Closure of the Legal System Here Luhmann provides an exposition of some of the most troubling concepts of systems theory and uses them to explain the nature of law's autonomy for autopoiesis. The central concept is operative closure. This is a concept common to all systems, not just law.
Rules and Government - Robert Baldwin - Oxford University ... - Oxford Socio-Legal Studies. Description. Rules affect all areas of governmental and public life, helping to shape policy-making and to regulate and enforce the law, particularly in matters of the environment, health, and safety. This book is the first comprehensive study of the use of non-statutory rules in government.
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Environment And Enforcement Regulation And The Social ... - Social Definition Of Pollution Oxford Socio Legal Studies corporations move more freely across national boundaries, a race to the bottom results as governments are forced to weaken labor and environmental standards to retain current contracts or attract new business.
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies | Oxford Law Faculty - Welcome to the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. The Centre is delighted to launch Frontiers of Socio-Legal Studies, its new blog dedicated to promoting dialogue between socio-legal scholars from around the is hosted at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and managed by a board made up of senior scholars and student editors.
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Rules and Regulators (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies) 1st Edition - Rules and Regulators (Oxford Socio-Legal Studies) (9780198262947): Black, Julia: Books
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Introduction: exploring the comparative in socio-legal studies - As the field of socio-legal studies has diversified, the goal of understanding 'law in society' has expanded into the goals of understanding 'laws in societies'. The field is characterised by research into the nature and role of different types of law and legal phenomena, as well as the part they play in different types of society.
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Rules and Regulators - Oxford Scholarship - The nature of rules in the context of regulation is examined in this book through theoretical and empirical analysis, providing a broadened analysis of financial services regulation. The study is aimed mainly at gaining a full understanding of the nature of rule making in the regulatory process by using a jurisprudential and linguistic analysis of rules as a basis for suggesting how rules ...
Environment And Enforcement Regulation And The Social ... - Oxford Socio Legal Studies Regulation, Enforcement and Governance in Environmental Law is an updated edition of Richard Macrory's most influential writings. Spanning his entire career, these are all works which have helped shape contemporary environmental law and policy. The book includes the full text of his 2006 Cabinet Office Review on ...
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DPhil in Socio-Legal Studies | University of Oxford - The thesis must make a significant and substantial contribution to the field of socio-legal studies. You will be expected to develop a topic that contributes to an understanding of law in society, drawing on empirical data, to a greater or lesser degree, and adopting theoretical and analytic perspectives from any social science discipline, or a combination of disciplinary perspectives.
Sociology of law - Wikipedia - The Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. The 1980s were also a fruitful time for empirical sociology of law in Britain, mainly because Donald Harris deliberately set out to create the conditions for a fruitful exchange between lawyers and sociologists at the University of Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.
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PDF Introduction: exploring the comparative in socio- legal ... - 'Exploring the Comparative in Socio-Legal Studies', held at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, in December 2014. We are grateful to the Law Faculty and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies for funding the conference and to the SLSA for their support. Finally, we would like to thank all the reviewers for
Rules and Regulators - Julia Black - Oxford University Press - Oxford Socio-Legal Studies. Rules and Regulators. Julia Black. A Clarendon Press Publication. Oxford Socio-Legal Studies. Description. Julia Black's book is the first authoritative study of rulemaking in one of the most important areas of economic life: financial services. She draws on theoretical and empirical studies in jurisprudence ...
Socio-Legal Studies | Graduate courses | University of Oxford - The CSLS welcomes students who wish to pursue research in any aspect of socio-legal studies, broadly defined. The centre's staff has a range of expertise in socio-legal research and methodologies and draws on a range of cognate fields, including anthropology, jurisprudence, political science, regulation studies, economics and sociology.
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